Bioidentical Hormones

Hormone Optimization

Hormonal imbalances can lead to many adverse symptoms and decreased quality of life. These deficiencies can affect both men and women, resulting in symptoms that affect physical, mental, emotional, and sexual health. At Southern Skin and Wellness, we offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, also known as BHRT, for men and women. This treatment can naturally restore hormone levels to balance the body and improve quality of life.
Hormone Optimization
Hormone Optimization

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy uses bioidentical hormones to restore balance to the body, alleviate the symptoms of a hormone deficiency, and deliver anti-aging benefits. At Southern Skin and Wellness, we offer multiple treatment options for men and women suffering from hormone deficiencies, including implantable pellets and prescription medications in the form of injectable formulations, oral tablets, and topical creams.
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The Central Business District

Southern Skin and Wellness is located directly in the heart of the New Orleans CBD.

What Are the Benefits

of Hormone Optimization?

Patients who undergo an individualized BHRT treatment plan can expect improvements in how they look, feel, and function. Some of the most common treatment benefits include the following:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Improved strength
  • Better sexual health and performance
  • Reduced symptoms
  • Improved skin
  • Mental clarity
  • Healthy weight loss
  • Emotional stability
  • Protection from age-related diseases
  • Improved bone density
  • Better physical, mental, emotional, and sexual health
  • Reduction in the symptoms of anxiety or depression

Why We Are Unique

For men, we typically offer testosterone, and for women, we offer testosterone and estradiol paired with progesterone. We utilized our medical expertise and specialized laboratory studies to individualize each treatment plan to resolve symptoms and help patients look and feel more youthful again.

Hormone Optimization

Before & After

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What Are The Symptoms of a

Hormone Deficiency?

Both men and women can suffer from a hormone deficiency. While this condition may have a similar cause, the symptoms can differ. Men typically suffer from a testosterone deficiency, while women can suffer from deficiencies in multiple hormones.

Insufficient hormone levels in both men and women can negatively affect the quality of life and ability to function daily. Some of the most common symptoms of hormone deficiency include the following: 

  • Frequent headaches
  • Brain fog
  • Anger or irritability
  • Feeling like you're on an emotional roller coaster
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Menstrual problems
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Weight gain, specifically around the midsection
  • Difficulty gaining lean muscle mass
  • Poor quality skin and hair
  • Decreased bone density
  • Increased risk of age-related diseases
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Decreased motivation for life

Hormone Pellets

Hormone pellets are the size of a grain of rice but can balance male and female hormones to improve energy levels, alleviate symptoms, and deliver anti-aging benefits. We custom-dose pellets for each patient based on the severity of their deficiency and ultimate needs.

Treatment & The Science Behind Hormone Pellets

Patients who choose implantable pellets can expect a quick and straightforward treatment process. First, we'll cleanse and numb an area on the hip or buttocks, then make a tiny incision, place the pellet, and secure it with a bandage. You'll then be free to resume most of your normal daily activities. Avoid lower-body workouts, baths, and swimming for a few days.

Soon after the pellets are placed, the bloodstream will slowly absorb the hormones and delivery them in the exact amount your body needs right when you need them.

What Should I Expect?

Some patients feel improvements within the first week of treatment; for others, it can take a few weeks. Typically, your results can last up to six months for a man and four months for a woman.  

Once the pellet is completely dissolved and absorbed by the bloodstream, you'll schedule a follow-up treatment, and we'll implant another pellet to maintain your long-term results. Most patients only need two to three follow-up treatments annually for optimal results.

Other Treatment Options

While hormone pellets are our primary treatment option, we also offer injectable, oral, and topical hormones for patients who need or prefer them. The choice of pellets, injectables, orals, or topicals is based on each patient's needs, as determined by a thorough evaluation and discussion with our in-house staff physician and team.

Injectable Medications

Injectable hormone medications are typically self-administered intramuscularly with a very fine, thin needle. If you choose this route, we'll provide clear directions and instructions on how, when, and with what frequency to administer the product.

Oral Medications

Newest to the market are oral hormone medications that can be taken as a tablet by mouth and are safe for liver, unlike previous oral formulations. Therapeutic hormone levels are quickly reached within a week. Safe, effective, and convenient are key benefits of oral therapy.  

Topical Medications

Lastly, we offer topical hormone medications that can be applied to the skin for direct absorption into the bloodstream. If you choose this route, we'll also provide clear instructions on how often, where, and when to apply these topical products for the best results.  

Monitoring Your Progress

Once we confirm your deficiency and prescribe the right treatment method, you'll notice an improvement in your symptoms and your physical, mental, emotional, and sexual health. A physician will monitor each patient during this process to ensure that their chosen method meets their needs.

We perform regular follow-up blood panels to ensure your hormones are precisely where they should be. We can adjust the method and dosage based on your blood panel results, symptoms, and preferences as needed.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are men and women with a hormone deficiency. While age is one of the most common factors contributing to the need for BHRT, it's not the only factor.

Younger men and women can suffer from a hormone imbalance that negatively affects their lives due to genetics, illness, the side effects of certain medications, pregnancy, and other factors. Regardless of your age, we'll take your blood levels and symptoms into account to determine whether BHRT is the proper treatment for you.

Improve Your Life.

Balance Your Hormones.

The hormonal system is exceptionally delicate, and without sufficient hormones, you will suffer. The good news is that you don't have to suffer for any longer than you have because there's an effective solution that will improve every aspect of your health. We can design an individualized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy plan for your exact needs so you can experience all the benefits of a balanced body and life.

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